序言前言Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introductory Remarks1.2 Literature Review1.3 Working Definitioof the Metaphorical Sentence1.4 Framework of the BookChapter Two Generative Mechanisms of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish and Chinese2.1 Introductory Remarks2.2 Generative Mechanisms of Metaphorical Sentences2.3 Generative Mechanisms of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish2.2 Generative Mechanisms of Metaphorical Sentences iChinese2.5 Summary and DiscussionChapter Three Representatioof Subject-verb Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish and Chinese3.1 Transitivity Systems3.2 Representatioof Subject-verb Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish3.3 Representatioof Subject-verb Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iChineseChapter Four Representatioof verb-Object and Subject-verb-Object/Complement Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish and Chinese4.1 Representatioof verb-Object Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iEnglish4.2 Representatioof verb-Object Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences iChinese4.3 Representatioof Subject-verb-Object/Complement Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences inEnglish4.4 Representatioof Subject-verb-Object/Complement Transitivity Systems of Metaphorical Sentences inChinese4.5 Summary and Discussion4.6 Relationship BetweeMetaphorical Sentences and Nonmetaphorical SentencesChapter Five Translatioof English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese5.1 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Animate Sentences5.2 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Complex Sentences5.3 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Compound Sentences5.4 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Subjectless Sentences5.5 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Indefinite Subject Sentences5.6 Translating English Metaphorical Sentences into Chinese Inanimate Sentences5.7 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Conclusions6.3 Suggested Areas for Future StudyBibliography后记 作者介绍